Cause and Effect In Muscle Based Pelvic Pain
What makes a difference in the journey of healing pelvic pain is seeing when you are doing something that reliably helps your symptoms. When I was symptomatic, I tried all kinds of things: acupuncture,...
View ArticleEscaping the fight, flight, freeze cycle in the healing of pelvic pain
In the 1920s, a well-known physiologist at Harvard named Walter Cannon introduced the concept of fight, flight, freeze. Coincidentally, Walter Cannon was a teacher of my relaxation teacher, Edmund...
In our experience, and that reported by other centers and physicians who have worked in this field, it is quite common for both men and women who develop a chronic pelvic pain condition also exhibit...
View ArticleWhen pelvic pain goes away, the sore pelvic tissue heals
There is a large and growing body of literature documenting how emotional arousal interferes with the body’s ability to heal. Wounds are typically slower to heal in the presence of anxiety; the area of...
View ArticleWhy all physical treatment for pelvic pain is not the same
The word commodity comes originally from the Latin commodus meaning ‘a useful or valuable thing’. By the early 15th century commodity was being used in English to refer to “an article of merchandise,...
View ArticleUnderstanding pelvic pain healing for dummies
I mean no disrespect in the provocative title ‘Understanding pelvic pain healing for dummies’. In fact, this metaphor seems to be one of the clearest and simplest ones to communicate the nature of...
View ArticleWhy drugs don’t cure pelvic floor pain
I’d like to talk about the opioid epidemic that has been in the news the past several years in relationship to the inside job of healing pelvic pain that is outside the reach of all drugs. In recent...
View ArticleDifferent names for pelvic pain are given to describe the same problem
There’s an ancient parable about ten blind men who come upon an elephant. One touches the elephant’s leg and says, “Oh, this is a tree trunk.” Another finds himself under the elephant’s stomach, pushes...
View ArticleWhy Men Diagnosed with Prostatitis Tend to Be Intelligent, Successful,...
Men who suffer from pelvic floor pain, whether it’s called prostatitis or pelvic floor dysfunction, tend to be intelligent, successful, ambitious, conscientious, and accomplished type-A personalities...
View ArticleWhen pelvic pain goes away, the sore pelvic tissue heals
There is a large and growing body of literature documenting how emotional arousal interferes with the body’s ability to heal. Wounds are typically slower to heal in the presence of anxiety; the area of...
View ArticlePleasure Anxiety
In this essay I want to discuss an invisible source of the creation and perpetuation of pelvic floor pain. It is the issue I’m calling pleasure anxiety. This is something we’ve discussed in our book A...
View ArticleWhy Pelvic-Floor Dysfunction Takes Time Occur and Takes Time to Heal
I’d like to talk about the length of time it can take for pelvic-floor pain and symptoms to significantly improve or resolve when they do using the Wise-Anderson Protocol. Typically when an injury or...
View ArticleWho gets prostatitis/CPPS and why
Men who suffer from pelvic floor pain, whether it’s called prostatitis or pelvic floor dysfunction, tend to be intelligent, successful, ambitious, conscientious, and accomplished type-A personalities....
View ArticleHealing prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction...
The concept of intense and relaxation practice as a necessary therapy for the resolution of what is diagnosed as prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction among other...
View ArticleHealing Pelvic Pain (in men called Prostatitis/CPPS) is Simply Repetitively...
It’s easy to medicalize pelvic pain; to view it as a purely physical disease or disorder instead of a stress response tied to chronically tighten up the pelvic floor. In seeing it simply as a physical...
View ArticleHealing What is Diagnosed as Prostatitis/CPPS And Pelvic Floor Pain Is Hidden...
Hidden in plain sight is an oxymoron: a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear together in a phrase yet both are true. When something is hidden you can’t see it, but when...
After consulting with my physician colleagues in our program about our experience with many patients who have undergone some surgery or invasive procedure for their pelvic floor related pain, it has...
View ArticleHow Plato Inadvertently Points to the Healing of Pelvic Pain
Plato reportedly said, “Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle.” What he meant is that for many people, underneath the surface is a struggle that isn’t visible. Inside each of us is a daily...
View ArticleYou are the environment in which your pelvic pain heals or does not heal
In the original version of our book A Headache in the Pelvis, we described pelvic floor pain as a condition in which the tissue of the pelvic floor is caught in an inhospitable environment of chronic...
View ArticleUnderstanding the Healing of Prostatitis, CPPS and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction,...
In my long experience with pelvic pain, before it resolved for me, I had no idea how to stop my pain, it was there, I woke up with it every day, it didn’t go away, some things made it worse sometimes...
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